Upper Delaware River Litter Sweep

MILANVILLE - Walking along the road to Damascus from an agreed upon starting point of the Milanville General Store on a beautiful spring day. Our only mission: Bagging things on the ground that do not belong there. The initial Damascus Township litter sweep kicked off a series of similar Upper Delaware Council events on April 16th held in various locations along the river corridor. Pictured: Volunteer coordinator Evan Padua, who represents Tusten on the UDC; his father Michael Padua of Tyler Hill; UDC member Jeffrey Dexter representing Damascus; retired NPS supervising ranger Don Hamilton; Jill Padua and Tom Rue of Narrowsburg. Contact the UDC for more information at upperdelawarecouncil.org

Total solar eclipse

“For a few blissful minutes, anyone who happens to be in the path of today’s eclipse will experience an elation more intense than any other celestial experience. Stars will emerge. The universe will be visible. The Earth and all life on it will come into sharper focus. The cosmos will feel complete.” —Robert Reich

Speaking of bridges

Amid the recent reports of the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge on Route 695 in Baltimore, one email I received from USA Today pointed to the database (see National Bridge Inventory) documenting the condition of bridges throughout the country. Filtering for my own neighborhood, my attention was caught by the description of a small bridge in Narrowsburg around the corner from where I live and work.