Old St. John's Cemetery Repairs (Jones family)
Order of events at St. John's Cemetery, Monticello, August 12, 1996 [ PHOTOS ]
Welcome by Anthony Lubniewski on behalf of the Master of Monticello Masonic Lodge, August 12, 1996
Introduction by Tom Rue at St. John's Cemetary, August 12, 1996
Keeping up with the Joneses remarks by Judge Burton Ledina, August 12, 1996
Building today's community remarks by Dr. Bob Havlena, D.S.W., August 12, 1996
Proclamation of the NYS Senate on the Joneses and local Freemasonry, August 12, 1996
Standing up the Joneses The River Reporter , August 15, 1996
Graveside service for a founding family, The River Reporter , August 8, 1996
Letter from NYS Senator Charles D. Cook regarding John P. Jones, June 14, 1996
Account of a meeting on the restoration of historic graves, June 13, 1996