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    Thursday, March 20, 1986, p. 7.
    Related article here

    ILA tour de force

    By TOM RUE

    DAMASCUS -- Rolf Beck, president of the Independent Landholders Association (ILA), and many vocal members, attended Monday night's meeting of the Damascus Township supervisors.
    Beck charged that coverage of the proposed River Management Plan and National Park Service (NPS)activities by The River Reporter is "attempting to destroy local government." He claimed that the Conference of Upper Delaware Townships (COUP), the NPS, and the paper all present the facts in a slanted fashion.
    "If you're for the Park Service, you're not an American," asserted one ILA supporter.
    Beck was told by this reporter that The River Reporter will continue its fair and accurate coverage of events at local meetings and that the writer would "not be beaten down by [Beck] or intimidated."
    Beck then read a March 4th letter addressed to him from this reporter, who is also associated with the Innisfree Youth Hostel of Milanville. It invited "one or more of the river organizations with which [Beck is] involved" to hold civic meetings in Innisfree's recreation hall for a nightly lee of $25. The letter pledged confidentiality and that "any information which I happened to gain by my presence on the property would not be published or revealed by me." The letter was written in good faith.
    Beck responded that before he would use Innisfree's recreation hall, he would rent the National Park Service's (NPS) conference room. This would save U.S. tax monies, he asserted, because the NPS would not have to transport its surveillance equipment down the River Road to Innisfree in order to listen in on his meetings.
    Beck asked the supervisors to withdraw the name of Damascus Township as a participant in the planning process which has led to the present draft of the management plan. He also requested that the supervisors approve a resolution condemning The River Reporter for its coverage of river issues. No action was taken on either proposal.

    Related external links

  • Upper Delaware Scenic & Recreational River
  • Innisfree

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