Large turnout urged in Stericycle protest case
By Laurie Ramie
MONTICELLO - Friends of the Sullivan County Action Coalition are sporting new buttons these days which read:
"Free the Monticello Five -- Support Civil Disobedience -- The the Bums Out!" *
The buttons were distributed Wednesday night to an eager crowd as the coalition met in Monticello, the same village where five protesters were arrested Monday for carrying signs announcing opposition to Stericycle into a village board meeting.
Action Coalition President Victor Gordon also urged all present to pack the Village of Monticello courtoom on August 10 at 5 p.m. when the protesters -- Charles Stephenson, Mary Marino, Glenn Pontier, Thomas Rue and Carmen Rue -- will be arraigned on charges of disorderly conduct.
Cathy Lombardi read a press release from the Town of Thompson Republican Committee condemning the arrests that were ordered by Monticello Village Manager James Malloy and exceuted by Village Police Chief Michael Brennan.
"The police should not be used to suppress public opinion by having them arrest people with differing viewpoints on an important issue facing the citizens of Monticello," the release stated.
The Republican missive charged that the protest hush-up attempt is just the latest action by a Democratically-controlled board whose very legality has been called into question.
The "musical chairs" government that resulted from the switching of people in positions without an election is the subject of litigation by the Sullivan County Action Coalition.
Lombardi said that the mission of -- a consolidation of four taxpayer watchdog groups which came together six months ago -- is to encourage responsible government.
She said that coalition supporters have attended every Monticello Village Board meeting since mid-March, often carrying informational placards and once, having a member dress up as the Grim Reaper to declare the "Death of Democracy" as a more visual method of driving home hte point.
On Monday night, Lombardi said, "our signs were nothing new."
She said that the sign-holders demonstrated in the front of the Monticello Village Hall then proceeded inside, where they held their signs at chest level.
"We certainly feel we were not disturbing the meeting," she said.
Rather, Lombardi said the group felt that their Constitutional rights were being squashed.
Gordon said that he expects a large turnout for the court date next Tuesday when the five alleged violators will answer the disorderly conduct charges.
August 10, 1993, SCD
Correction In the August 6 edition of the Democrat, an article titled "Large Turnout Urged in Stericycle Protest Case" included inaccurate information concerning the slogan printed on buttons that were distributed at the Sullivan County Action Coalition meeting.
The buttons read, "Free the Monticello Five -- A Sign of Civil Disobedience? -- Throw the Bums Out!"
The article incorrectly stated that the second phrase read, "Support Civil Disobedience."
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