Ten brothers were awarded their Life Membership Certificates on this evening, Wor. Bro. Samuel Levy, Bros. W. Ray Elmore, George H.C. Beyea, David W. Fraser, John James Stanton, Harold M. Stanton, Chester P. Stanton, George W. Bradenburgh, Charles H. Levy, Jay C. Pelton.
Of the above only four were able to be present due to ill health and weather conditions.
Wor. Bro. Samuel Levy's certificate was presented by Wor. Bro. Maine, retiring Secretary, who reminded Bro. Sam, as we better know him, of the many years of service he put in as an ever ready and faithful member of committees on all kinds of work for the Lodge, then as an officer, culminating in his becoming Master in 1941. It was in 1945 that the "Gavel" had its birth, first appearing in swaddling clothes in tile form of a one sheet mimeographed child soon growing into two sheets and within a year or two to its present form. The year after you were elected Trustee of the Ledge and had been a most faithful and efficient one right up to the present evening when we regret to leram that you feel it necessary to resign due to health and business conditions. We know you will continue to be as much as possible where your heart and interest has been for these past thirty years.
Bro. W. Ray Elmore had the unique honor of having his certificate presented by his son, Bro. Floyd L. Elmore, Jr. Deacon of the Lodge, who told him that it was his grand example as both father and brother that made Masonry stand out so in his life that he wanted to become a member and an officer. We all agree and believe that no higher tribute could be paid any man and brother.
Bros. Charles H. Levy and Jay C. Pelton were presented their certificates by the Master, Wor. William D. Stackhouse, who the Lodge appreciated the years of service they had given it always serving on committees when asked and for their work on the Degree Team.
The other brothers who were not present have since had their certificates delivered to them.
My Brethren:--
At the very outset I should like to express my sincere thanks to you all for having made possible the honor of serving as Master of Monticello Lodge.
The distance of travel has made it difficult for me to serve this Lodge as well as some of my predecessors, I nevertheless assure you that I have had the Lodge at heart and I know that Masonry in building up confidence and helping me has done much to make my life happier to overcome a feeling of shyness and a fear to meet and enjoy fellowship which this Lodge provides.
I give special thanks to the brethren and officers of this Lodge who have helped me to make this a successful year and particularly extend my thanks to those who have helped in degree and ritualistic work.
My year as Master was highlighted. by the fact that we raised 7 members, gained another by affiliation and restored one. However, the net gain to membership was only 4 because of the fact that five members were lost to the Grim Reaper.
The Lodge membership now stands at 289 and after granting ten life membership certificates to brethren this evening only 210 will be dues paying members. In terms of dollars and cents the net loss in dues paying members is 6.
Communications and events which will be remembered favorably by members of Monticello Lodge, inclutied an inspiring address by Bro. Leon Weiss of Fallsburg Lodge on Abraham Lincoln Ladies Night, when a most enjoyable evening was provided, Cub Pack Night with 46 Cubs and their parents attending, to witness the presentation ot a pack charter by the Rev. Paul Allen. This was a true demonstration of Masonic interest in civic and youth projects and a visit by the Fellowcraft team of Walkill Lodge. This and many other enjoyable activities including a visit by our fellowcraft team to Tappan lee Lodge atNyack and to Fallsburg Lodge strengthened greatly the ties of fellowship.
Monticello Lodge was honored this year with the appointment to the District Deputyship of our Past Master, Bro. Leland W. Silvieus.
Rt. Wor. Bro. Leland W. Silvieus took up the working tools of the craft more than a score and a half years ago and has labored long and well in our quarries. Our Lodge is proud of him and the purple rests well upon his shoulders.
The district convention was held in our Lodge on October 5, with R.W. Henry G. Meacham presiding. This was the second successive year that the convention was held here and both times a large number of brethren were present with R.W. Meacham supervising the exemplification of degrees in his usual efficient manner and with Wor. Bro. Alvin O. Benton assisting the Grand Lecturer in his work.
As I turn the Gavel over to my successor this evening I am confident that it will rest in capable hands and under his leadership there should be no doubt about the Lodges success and conduct during the coming year.
However, as I relinquish this symbol feelings of regret that I had not more to give to that which has so much meaning in my life. But yet I give it with a feeling of confidence as I hand it over to one well qualified with words and wisdom which shall light the pathway of true Masonry.
Monticello Lodge has elected a new secretary to succeed Wor. Bro. Clarence Maine who has served the Lodge in that capacity for many years.
The new secretary, as you already have been informed, is Charles Horton. Wor. Bro. Horton assumes his duties with a fine background, having served two terms as Master and as a member of the Gavel Committee for several years.
He assures us that he will not hold you up on your dues cards and says he will be prompt in answering communications. Yes, all this, together, with manifold other duties known only to the secretary, he has promised to do with a high degree of efficiency. His biggest problem at the moment is getting up sufficient cash for the Grand Lodge dues. If it should happen that you are behind on your dues be sure to mail that ten-spot today. The result will be that Grand Lodge dues will be paid, our Master will be recognized at the Grand Lodge session in May and you will be able to proudly present a 1950 dues card which ye honorable secretary will send to you with speed which will surprize you.
Monticello Lodge takes special pride and pleasure in announcing that within the next few weeks we will honor our Brother Blake H. Bates with a 50 year Grand Lodge Service Medal.
No one has been more entitled to this coveted medal than our Bro. Bates for he has devoted many years of his time in helping to provide music which Masonry prescribes for our happiness and enjoyment.
Bro. Bates, in addition to living a truly Masonic life, has served 35 years as our Lodge organist.
We salute him and wish him many more years of Masonic fellowship.