6 West Union Avenue, Bound Brook, N.J.

One week later--

Dear Opal--
I don't know about you but I'm still rolling with the punches. I've traveled thru this past week in a kind of semi-trance trying to work my way back to what passes for normal around here.
The house has at last taken on a sort of civilized look and the tempo has simmered down to trit and I'm making progress with the job of rendering unto Caeser the Caesar's etc. I had one small comfort this week in knowing that at least I didn't have a long trip back to Detroit as you did. That on top of the hectic week you had before the wedding must have just about done you in.
A short re-cap on this week's events with the kids. They arrived back here on Tuesday P.M. from the honeymoon, starry-eyed and happy as though they had good sense. They stayed over nite and then got up Wednesday and packed up what they wanted to take of their gifts and took off for New London at 2 P.M. They also took the top tier of their wedding cake and a couple bottles of their wedding champagne to share with Bud's buddies on the boat.
They took Thursday & Friday to get their ducks in a row up there and came back yesterday (Sat.) to return the car.
Apparently everything is going smoothly for them. The Peach reported she had been over to the college for a conference. She's being admitted as a Junior altho it's going to mean cramming a few credits.
Orientation starts today. Our Bill said Sunday was a strange day to start that, & Peachy said "No-- they suggested that students bring their families for the first day of orientation and I'm taking mine." Bud's going over, too. They are taking the dog up with them. This had been cleared with the landlord OK.
The wedding pictures turned out dandy. I'll send the crop of proofs to you and you can select the ones you'd like to have made up. Clarence Apgar called us over last evening to see the colored slides he had shot of the wedding. He had about 33 of them and they are lovely. My Mother and sister were here for dinner and they drove them (Bud & Peachy) into New York to Grand Central Station to get the train back to New London.
Your Bob left here Monday morning about 11 o'clock. I drove him over to the New Jersey Turnpike in New Brunswick and dropped him off. It was a lovely day and he shouldn't have had too much trouble getting a lift back. In fact he had a ride offered before I got turned around and headed back home.
Wedding gifts are still dribbling in. By the way-- a lovely sterling silver campole arrived here from J.L. Hudson-- a gift from Mr. & Mrs. Carlson. It must have had jolt in shipping and was sadly bent & dented. I'm not sure whether to put in a claim to the store or P.O. -- perhaps you could inquire and advise the kids what to do. It seemed to be adequately packed, too. I can't imagine how it came to grief.
Helen Apgar's address, by the way, is 546 Central Ave., B.B. & Fobes, Mrs. H.B. Fox, 576 Church St.
Did you locate the missing suit? There was no trace of it here or at the Union Avenue house. I do hope you located it when you arrived home & unpacked. If not we'll send out another searching party at this end.
Am sending a copy of the weekly paper with the account of the wedding under separate cover.
All comments on the wedding were wonderful. Everyone of our friends fell in love with Bud & his brothers.
Hope you all survived the ordeal and we loved having you. You & your family were certainly patient with us. You sure did get buffeted around with little orno ceremony in the mad scramble.
So much for now. I'll keep you posted on how we find the kids in New London at the end of the month. We plan on taking a trip up to Providence and will look in on them.
Our best to Arthur & the boys.

P.S. Tell Jimmy he was the hit of the wedding and everyone thought he was a darling.