Characteristics of the Landfill Site:
Background Information:
SCA Services:
I) Cyanide= "2420 ppm in river sediment"
2) Arsenic= ".078 ppm in pond water"
White's lagoon basically serves as an artificial pathway, facilitating the release of the toxic chemicals from the adjacent landfill into the environment. As a result, the canoeing, fishing and tourist industries of this area have already been injured due to the "widely publicized pollution by the National Park Service."
Environmental Damage:
The air, wildlife and land as Well as the water resources of the Town of Tusten have been contaminated and harmed. The contamination and harm by the hazardous chemical wastes continue, to be a threat to the welfare, health and safety of the people who come in contact with the air, ground and water in the perimeter of the site.
Borwick, Jim. The River Reporter, Narrowsburg January 31, 1991, Vol. XVII (letter), "Can EPA do a speedy Cortese Clean-up?"
Brownell, Frank. Sullivan County Democrat, March 15, 1991, "EPA.Begins Tes6ing At Cortese Landfill."
Chergotis, Pamela. The River Reporter, Narrowsburg February 14, 1991, "EPA takes on Cortese-Landfill."
Hulse, David. The River Reporter Narrowsburg, May 24, 1990, Vol. XVI, Number 21, "Cortese dump clean-up still two years away."
Levine, Steven. The Times Herald Record ,Middletown, February 3, 1982, p. 5, "Firm dumped Jersey wastes in County."
Long, Tim. The River Reporter, Narrowsburg January 26, 1989, p. 7. "Source of Toxic Waste at Cortese Landfill determined."
Moore, Michael. State of New York Department Of Law (letter) October 28, 1982. "Re: River Contamination from Pond on Sam White property."
Pontier, Glen. The River Reporter, Narrowsburg, April 5, 1990: pp. 1 & 22. "Feds to take over Cortese Landfill case."
Rue, Tom. The River Reporter, Narrowsburg, May 28, 1987, pp. 1 & 3, "Tusten to pump river?"
Yeaman, Barbara. The River Reporter, Narrowsburg March 14, 1991., pp. 1 & 17, "Workers in protective suits probe Cortese dump."
Yeaman, Barbara. The River Reporter, Narrowsburg July 20, 1989, pp. 1 & 17. "'Testing continues at Cortese Landfill."
© 1991, Janesa Martinez.
All rights reserved.