Thursday, January 12, 1999
Monticello Masons eat pancakes in Woodridge
- WOODRIDGE - The annual fund-raising pancake breakfast of Monticello Lodge #532, F.&A.M., will be held on Sunday, April 25, from 7:00 A.M. to Noon, on the second floor of the Woodridge Village Hall.
- From the proceeds of the event, one or more local youth will be sent this summer to the 1000-acre Camp Turk Masonic Youth Camp in Adirondack Park. The youth are selected by the Sullivan County Department of Family Services, children's services unit.
- For more information about the event, or about becoming a Freemason, contact Robert Halprin, master of the Monticello Lodge, at 914/434-3841.
Related external links
- Liberty Lodge #521, F&AM
- Monticello Lodge #532, F&AM