The River Reporter, October 24, 1996

Towing ordinance amended

MONTICELLO - A controversial towing ordinance surfaced again at the October 21 village board meeting in Monticello. Trustees voted two months ago to limit the "rotating call list" used by police to towing business located within village limits.

Operators located outside the village, in the Town of Thompson, were cut out of the list as a result of the measure.

After researching the question, village attorney Michael Davidoff advised the board that, "To substantiate this, should there be a challenge, it has to be necessary to the proper regulation of the [towing] business."

Trustee David Rosenberg identified the reason for limiting the call list to Monticello businesses as "to help Monticello taxpayers." Davidoff suggested this reason might not stand up in court.

The board voted 3-0, with Gary Sommers abstaining and Monis Brafman absent, to amend the ordinance to businesses located in the Town of Thompson.

Rosenberg called the measure "the single toughest thing I've ever been involved with, because of the principles involved."

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