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    Thursday, June 22, 1995.

    Hargrove forum re-slated

    By TOM RUE

    MONTICELLO - Residents will finally get a chance to question human relations consultant James Hargrove about his report faulting village officials for not bringing to light sooner mayor Robert Friedland's effort to muscle a job for his son as a police officer last February.
    Hargrove excoriated Friedland, and faulted board members for not publicizing the issue before it appeared in the media. Friedland's political opponents have framed the issue as racially oriented, while Friedland points out that his son was on the civil service list and legally eligible for hiring.
    Board members voted 3-2 to pay Hargrove $500 for his last appearance in Monticello, and $500 for the July 10 command performance at the Neighborhood Facility on Jefferson St. The meeting will commence at 7:30 P.M.
    Hargrove's 23-page report has now cost taxpayers $8350. A lawsuit seeking to have officials pick up the tab themselves is pending in supreme court.

    Other business

    The board went into executive session to discuss: whether to pay Cummings severance pay; resolving the problem of having a treasurer who is not a U.S. citizen; an unspecified contract issue involving the Oneida casino; as well as personnel matters involving police, highway and justice court employees.
    The board did not reveal a decision on Cummings' payout or the treasurer problem. But they announced police officer Bud P. Ravin will receive a one-time $250 bonus; and highway worker Steven W. Kozachuk would get a $3000 per year raise and promotion to the title of "skilled street maintainer."
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