The River Reporter, May 25, 1995

Hargrove calls for Friedland's
"resignation or removal from office"

MONTICELLO - The following conclusions are extracted from a report submitted by human relations consultant Jimmy Hargrove of Queens Village to the Monticello village board of trustees, regarding a tape-recorded attempt by mayor Robert Friedland to secure a job for his son as a police officer.

Released May 22, the 64-page report is available to the public at village hall for a $16 photocopying fee.

A public forum will be held on May 30, 7:30 P.M., at the Monticello Neighborhood Facility, Jefferson St., at which Friedland, Hargrove and others will hear questions and answers from the public. The board is then expected to vote on each of Hargrove's recommendations.

"1. The racially insensitive remarks of Mayor Robert Friedland should have been an agenda subject of the Elected Board of Trustees, as early as February 9th, 1995...

"2. The Village of Monticello nor it's [sic] Police Department have developed an Equal Employment Opportunity or Sexual Harassment Policy...

"3. The Mayor in his April 12, 1995 statement to `The Media,' in which he expressed an apology, was not completely honest...

"4. That the Village Human Rights Commission, as it currently exists will be unable to meet it's [sic] general obligations as set forth in the General Municipal Law...

"5. That the circumstances surrounding the attendance of Marc Friedland at the Orange County Police Academy and his receiving certification by the Municipal Police Training Council of the State are highly unusual...

"6. That Mayor Robert Friedland violated the Code of Ethics of the Village of Monticello...

"7. The fact that Marc Friedland's father is the Mayor of Monticello should have in no way impair [sic] his opportunity of becoming a Police Officer in Monticello through the Civil Service Merit System..."

The following is a summary of Hargrove's recommendations:

  • Hold a public meeting with the topics of Friedland's February 8 "racially insensitive remarks," and the village board's "actions or non-actions... within the period of February 9th and April 12th" on the agenda.

  • Develop, adopt and promulgate sexual harassment (SH) and equal employment opportunity (EEO) policies.

  • The police department form its own EEO and SH policy statement or incorporate those adopted by the village into the rules and regulations of the department.

  • Designate a village official an EEO officer and develop a grievance procedure.

  • Members of the village human rights commission (HRC) to have more training, and be allowed to hire a part-time or per diem investigator.

  • Develop a brochure explaining HRC's powers and duties.

  • Publish the date, time and place of scheduled HRC meetings.

  • The board direct the village attorney to report the circumstances of Marc Friedland's attendance to the Division of Criminal Justice Services.

  • The board instruct the village attorney to ask the district attorney to examine Friedland's past statements and actions, with specific reference to corrupt use of position or authority, and conflict of interest.

  • The board consider adopting lawful provisions for removal from office of elected officials for reason of misconduct.

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