MONTICELLO - Carolina and Eduardo Rue, age 9, won't be getting a Presidential puppy, but they're happy anyway because now they have a cocker spaniel named Branden.
The twins wrote George Bush in March, after hearing his dog Millie was pregnant. The letter read:
"Dear Precident, can you give me one of your pupies please because I really wanted one for a long time. And also because we had to give up our dog cause he was to wild. I love your pups. Love, Carolina and Eduardo. P.S. My birthday is April 24, 1980. I love dogs." [sic]
White House aid Shirley M. Green wrote back:
Thank you for your letter to the President. The President and Mrs. Bush would be delighted to see one of Millie's puppies go to a good home like yours, so it is with regret that I must tell you that they have all been spoken for. Millie will be flattered that you were interested in one of her pups."
Along with the letter were two 8x10" color glossies of Millie romping in the Rose Garden.
Related links
The White House
Rue family web site
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