Thursday, October 9, 1986.
DeFalco gives $8000 to
Delaware Community Center
- CALLICOON - Developer Joe DeFalco (center) presented an $8000 check to the Delaware Community Center in Callicoon last Saturday. Accepting the donation was Tom Rue, president of the center's board of directors. Other directors present (from left) were: Joyce Sykes, Roe Bedford, Clarence Kratz, and Pete Sigelakis.
- A TV sportsman, author, and himself a child of poverty, DeFalco assists youth groups in the U.S. and Canada to raise funds that their programs. Believing that the growth coming to the Callicoon area will be good for the center, he challenged other business to support the center's work.
- "Any business that gives the Youth Center $100 or more," DeFalco told the board members on Saturday, "I will give them a vacation package at Deer Run Village in Stamford, New York, worth over $400."