Thursday, September 3, 1987, p. 3.
36 CFR does not apply
- WASHINGTON, DC -- A notice appeared in the August 24th edition of the Federal Register, announcing that Title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulations (36 CFR) will be amended to include the following statement: "Upper Delaware Scenic & Recreational River -- Fishing. Fishing in any manner authorized under applicable State law is allowed."
- Distributing copies of the Federal Register at the August 27th meeting of the Conference of Upper Delaware Townships (COUP), Michael Gordon, National Park Service (NPS) Mid-Atlantic assistant regional director, explained that a similar change to 36 CFR which guarantees hunting under similar conditions will be published shortly.
- Gordon encouraged local residents to write to NPS Superintendent John Hutzky and support the rule changes. Public reaction to the rule may be submitted until September 23.
- These changes in the federal regulations address fears raised by some residents that once the River Management Plan is approved, they would not be permitted to fish or hunt on their own property. NPS jurisdiction in the Upper Delaware Valley extends only to the surface of the river and on land owed or leased by the NPS.
Related links
- Upper Delaware Scenic & Recreational River
- Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
- New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
- Code of Federal Regulations