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    Thursday, May 7, 1987, p. 6.

    Daub junkyard investigated

    By TOM RUE
    DAMASCUS - Damascus Township solicitor Jack Spall and sewage enforcement officer Jim Rutledge will visit Carl Daub's alleged commercial junkyard on Route 652 near Beach Lake on May 5, township secretary announced at the May 4th meeting of the Damascus Township supervisors.
    Rutledge said the pair would view Daub's reported collection of unregistered vehicles to determine what, if any, violations of local or state regulations may exist, for the purpose of taking appropriate legal action against the owner. At press time, the results of the inspection were not available.
    The township's zoning code contains the following definition of junk yard: A lot, land or structure, or part thereof, used primarily for the collecting, storage and sale of waste, paper, rags, scrap metal or discarded material; or for the collection, dismantling, storage and salvage of machinery or vehicles not in running condition, and for the sale of parts thereof.
    The meeting lasted only about 45 minutes, and involved some informal discussion. After noting that the cement-block township shed will soon receive new aluminum siding, chairman Tom Griffith recalled when the structure was built in 1979. Griffith said that a mayonnaise jar full of money was deposited in a secret location in one of the walls. He said the spot was known only to the 15 builders, and some of them are now dead. Rutledge noted that, in making his contribution to the jar, he had deposited a check. Griffith guessed that the jar contained about $1.75.
    In other business, Rutledge: announced that bids would be taken on dust oil and sluice pipe; told resident Gene L'Hernault that he still had not located a copy of an old petition opposing the presence of the National Park Service; read a letter from Innisfree Youth Hostel concerning the closing of the Milanville Bridge; and announced that District Magistrate Ed Dix holds court in the municipal building every Thursday, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.

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