Thursday, January 23, 1986, p. 9.
COUP begins plan
committee work
- FOSTERDALE ---According to Chuck Hoffman, the consultant from Foresight Consulting Group who spearheaded the planning process, 1000 copies of the final River Management Plan have been printed.
- Individual copies of the document, though not yet formally approved by Secretary of the Interior Donald Hodel, are available from the Conference of Upper Delaware Townships and from National Park Service (NPS) headquarters. For multiple copies, residents should write to the NPS regional office, according to NPS secretary Carla Hauser.
- At a December 9th session in Fosterdale, COUP members and other officials who will serve on the Upper Delaware Council (UDC) met to name committees which will lead to the council's formation. The meeting was preceded by a dinner at El Monico's restaurant in White Lake, which was not announced to the press.
- Both sessions were attended by NPS regional director James Coleman. Hoffman explained that Coleman had come to demonstrate to the group his continued interest in the Upper Delaware, following the completion of the plan. His comments during the work session were limited, and what he told the group during dinner was never stated.
- However, Coleman predicted that the new plan will be approved by the .Secretary of the Interior. "Where it takes time, is to get the thing to the Secretary's desk. Once it gets to his desk, I expect it'll be signed pretty quickly -- to get the damn thing through Washington," he stated.
- Coleman turned down a request by Charles Morrison, of the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), to solicit the comments of New York Governor Mario Cuomo on the plan. "Charlie, we can't do that. If he can comment on it, then why can't Rick Lander and everybody else continue to comment on it? The comment period is over," he said.
- Despite this, Coleman agreed to send Cuomo a "courtesy copy" of the tan-colored book for informational purposes, but not to solicit his comments. Morrison noted that Cuomo's cooperation will be needed by the UDC, including the issuance of executive orders for various purposes in support of the council.
- "Of course anybody can continue to write to the secretary. 'I mean, if the secretary gets a letter from Governor Cuomo, it's going to be taken real seriously," added Mike Gordon, NPS assistant regional director.
- "Especially if he's going to be running for president," echoed Tusten supervisor Rick Lander Committees formed to work on the UDC are:
- Legal documents and procedures: Frank Hartmann, Deerpark planning board; Roger Fickes, PA Department of Environmental Resources; Bob Everest, Delaware River Basin Commission; Charles Morrison, NY DEC; and Lackawaxen Township Supervisor Wayne M6Cue.
- Project review: Lumberland Supervisor Tom Hill; Shohola representative Bruce Selneck; and Diane Carlton, Sullivan County Planning Department.
- Housekeeping operations: Larue Elmore, Upper Delaware Citizens Advisory Council; Westfall Township Supervisor Doug Hay; Hancock representative George Frosch; Cochecton Supervisor Jean McCoach; and the Town of Delaware representative.
- Wayne County and its four river townships are not represented on the council, nor are the Sullivan County towns of Fremont and. Highland.
- Hoffman noted that Craig Stewart, who has chaired COUP since last spring, had expressed a desire to resign that position. "He wants to go fishing,"joked Marge Hillreigel of Fremont. Stewart has expressed weariness with the entire process, after many years of involvement in drafting the locally written management plan.
Related external links
- Upper Delaware Scenic &
Recreational River
- Pennsylvania Department of
Environmental Protection
- New York State Department of
Environmental Conservation