Thursday, October 9, 1986.
Fall fun at the Delaware Community Center
- CALLICOON - The Delaware Community Center is offering a series of workshops, classes and other activities. River valley residents from both New York and Pennsylvania are encouraged to attend.
- Babysitting lessons, six weeks starting October 20, 7:30 p.m. Instructor: Roe Bedford. Fee: $3 per class.
- Basics of magic, 6 weeks, starting October 20, 7:30 p.m. Age 14 and over. Instructor: Glenn Hester. Fee: $5 per class.
- Halloween party and parade, October 31. Parade line-up starts at 4:00 p.m. in Tree House parking lot. Refreshments: cider, hot dogs, etc., games, prizes for all. DVCS band. Help and donations needed. Call Joyce Sykes, 914/887-xxxx or Marie Graby, 914/887-xxxx.
- Genealogy workshop, November 4, 7:30 p.m. Bring any research notes or other materials you have on your family history. Instructor: Tom Rue. Fee: $5.
- Advanced First Aid, 18 weeks starting November 7, 7:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Upper Delaware Ambulance Corps, Callicoon; American Red Cross certified. Instructor: Larry Knack. Fee: $20 ($6.50 to Red Cross; $15.50 operational expenses. Maximum enrollment: 12. Registration deadline: October 24. Call 914/887-xxxx.
- Spaghetti dinner, November 12, 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. All you can eat. Chief cook: Barry Schuchman of the Wagon Wheel Restaurant, Callicoon. Fees: Adults, $5.50; under 12, $3.50; 3 and under, free.
- New Year's Party, December 31. Be there!
- Reservations are not required for any of these events -- just show up.
- For more information, call Roe Bedford at 914/887-xxxx.
- Note: The Community Center has a new member of its board of directors: Pete Sigelakis of Callicoon. Peri Hennig has agreed to stay on as board president citing assurances that others will share her workload. Peri expressed special thanks to Joyce Sykes of Callicoon for her hard work as board secretary.