Thursday, April 24, 1986.
Follow-up story here
Community center needs help
- CALLICOON -- Nine new trustees of the Delaware Community Center will attempt to save an organization that is in desperate need of voluntary energy and funds. As a result of the crisis, an entire new board of directors was elected at the center's annual meeting on Tuesday night. According to Phil Braverman, outgoing board president, "The real issue now is the demise of this organization."
- Without new people to carry on the work of the center, he said, the community center must close its doors. "It's a large place," Braverman explained, "and it takes a lot of hands to make it work."
- The major financial problem for the center is the insurance crisis which has caused premiums to skyrocket. Local insurance agent George Burkle told the meeting that he had 'received a tentative estimate for liability coverage from the Mutual Fire and Marine Insurance Fund of Philadelphia. The 1986 cost would be $11,680, up from $4100 last year.
- Members voted to keep the center open, if adequate insurance can be secured by the April 26 deadline. The annual membership fee of $35 will undoubtedly have to be raised. The board discussed hiring a full-time director, who would also serve as a professional fund-raiser. "I think that a director can generate his [or her] salary or beyond," Braverman asserted.
- The Community Center is open to all. Its facilities offer a swimming pool, roller-skating rink, baseball diamond, as well as aerobics, volleyball, a children's cooking class, music lessons, gymnastics, and a weight-watchers' group.
- For information on the center or to make contributions, contact the new board president, Peri Ann Hennig, at 914/887-xxxx.