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    Thursday, February 20, 1986, p. 1.
    Related story here.

    Emergency network: a hot issue

    By TOM RUE

    WAYNE COUNTY - Tuesday's meeting of the Wayne County Commissioners erupted into angry words and charges of "foot dragging" by Bruce Snyder, president of the Damascus Volunteer Ambulance Corps.
    Snyder went to the meeting to plead for funds for a new emergency communications network to dispatch ambulances and fire trucks. He claimed that the county has not been giving high enough priority to updating the radio system on which lives depend.
    Commissioner Donald Olsommer acknowledged the deficiencies of the present system, but added that the matter needed more study before any action was taken. "This whole com-system has been nothing but a patch-up mess, but I'm not going to give you a blank check," he said.
    Snyder responded that while he is not a technical expert, funds must be found immediately for the new system.
    "We'll find the damn money! There's no question about finding the money," shouted Commissioner Robert Carmody.
    Earl Simons echoed this assurance, explaining that capital investments are not a line item in the county's budget. "We'll beg, borrow, or steal money from another line item if we have to," Simons said.
    Carmody added that "four or five months ago" a state official recommended installing a microwave system, priced at a half-million dollars, far beyond the limitations of the county's budget.
    "He only gave us one option," Olsommer said. "I was highly disappointed in that he didn't give us any other alternatives."
    Snyder explained that the mountainous terrain in Wayne County interferes with radio and pager transmission, creating "dead spots" where reception is impossible.
    The commissioners assured Snyder that they are taking the matter into consideration and weighing all alternatives. Simons expressed surprise at the urgency of the matter, "All of a sudden this is bunched right up in a -- I don't know what you call it."
    After the meeting, Snyder stated, "I'm not a crackpot" and expressed regret for his manner at the meeting. He said that in addition to his work with the Damascus ambulance corps, he also serves as deputy coroner of Wayne County and on the Narrowsburg Volunteer Fire Company. He said that he is genuinely concerned about emergency response delays in the county, and feels frustrated by what he views as the commissioners' lack of timely response.
    In other business, Geraldine Hawson was approved to replace Mary Stricklen as Buckingham Township's appointee to the Upper Delaware Citizens' Advisory Council (CAC). Hawson will begin her two-year term on April 1st.
    Larue Elmore expressed his desire for reappointment as Damascus Township's representative. Elmore said he would speak to the township supervisors and urge them to submit his name as quickly as possible.
    Elmore attended the meeting as chairman of the Wayne Conservation District, along with Robert Muller, Jr., district manager. Muller reported federal and state funding for a project to control flooding and erosion at the county fairgrounds has been withheld for unknown reasons. Elmore said his office is continuing to work with congressional leaders to find a solution.

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