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    Thursday, February 13, 1986, p. 6.

    COUP asks for "specific" comments on plan

    By TOM RUE

    FOSTERDALE -- At Tuesday night's meeting of the Conference of Upper Delaware Townships (COUP), Hancock delegate George Frosch failed in an attempt to introduce a measure which would have required the towns to make comments on the proposed River Management Plan or accept it in the present form.
    At the end of the comment period on April 19, according to Frosch's proposal, "Each town/township shall reject any specific element of the plan which they find unacceptable and state the reason why."
    A second pan of Frosch's motion stated that "It shall be presumed that any element not rejected shall be accepted."
    It was this point which drew the most criticism, causing the resolution to be dropped without a vote.
    A letter was read from Cochecton farmer Glen Swendson, who outlined 22 points on which he disapproved of the management plan, citing page numbers in each instance. COUP chairperson Craig Stewart praised the specificity of Swendson's remarks, and said they were clear enough to be of value. "We'd a lot rather have this," said Stewart, "than somebody just mouthing off."
    Public comment on the propose Upper Delaware River Management Plan should be directed to COUP at PO Box 41, Fosterdale, NY 12735.
    Kathy Johnson, office secretary at COUP, reported that 650 landowner questionnaires had been returned so far, which amounts to a 22% response. She added that the deadline for returns, which was February 10th, would be extended no more than "a couple of days."
    Johnson also said that a computer, budgeted at $4000, will be purchased by COUP as part of its cooperative agreement with the National Park Service (NPS).
    Before adjournment, COUP unanimously approved the printing of an additional 1000 copies of the management plan, at the recommendation of Chuck Hoffman of Foresight Consulting.
    There will be no COUP meeting on February 25th due to the series of informational town meetings which will take place around that time.

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