The River Reporter
Thursday, January 16, 1986, pp. 1 and 21.

Stewart elected to lead COUP


RIVER VALLEY - Craig Stewart, former Delaware Supervisor and a founding member of the organization, was unanimously chosen as the new chairperson of the Conference of Upper Delaware Townships (COUP) on Tuesday evening. Stewart, who did not run for re-election last fall, continues to represent the Town of Delaware as the selection of Supervisor William Dirie and the town board.

Other officers elected at the "work session" included Doug Hay of Westfall -- vice chairperson; Lewis Schmalze of Highland -- secretary; and Jean McCoach of Cochecton -- treasurer. The executive committee will also include; Christ Wallingford of Manchester, George Frosch of Hancock, and Tom Griffith of Damascus.

Outgoing chairperson Marge Hillriegel was nominated by Frosch to serve as a newly created post "as a governmental liaison" to assist Stewart in the transition and act in an advisory capacity for COUP. She will serve for a year, although the term could be extended if necessary.

For what was viewed as Hillreigel's dedicated and professional service during her tenure in office, COUP voted unanimously to commend and thank her for her voluntary efforts. See related story on page 7.

In other business, COUP dwelt at some length on setting ground-rules for public hearings, but arrived at no formal set of rules. The Upper Delaware Citizens Advisory Council (CAC) will share responsibility for the public hearings.

The draft of the proposed River Management Plan is scheduled to be mailed on Saturday, January 18 and should be received early the following week. The 90 day public review period will then begin on January 20 and end on April 19.

Public hearings on the plan are scheduled for the following dates:

Wednesday, March 5, 7:30 p.m. -- Damascus School, Damascus, PA.

Thursday, March 6, 7:30 p.m. -- Delaware Valley Central School, Callicoon, NY.

Friday, March 7, 7:30 p.m. -- Eldred Central School, Eldred, NY.

Saturday, March 8, 1:00 p.m. -- Shohola Fire House, Shohola, PA.

Comments on the plan may be directed to COUP, P.O. Box 41, Fosterdale, NY 12735; telephone: 914/932-xxxx.


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Upper Delaware Scenic & Recreational River


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