You will be glad to know that our Masonic building is to have a new face - or at least the lower part. The ladies have told us that the forehead, the eyes, and even the nose, while somewhat red and a little flat, were really quite good looking; but, Oh, the lower part, the mouth and the chin. They spoiled the whole face, needed remolding and some up-to-date lip stick to bring out the beauty of the whole face.
The Trustees agreed with them and so did the members, so at our last meeting it was voted to do it. The first floor front will be remodeled with beautiful blue stone with new up-to-date plate glass windows and doors. While the blue may be a new shade for lipstick we believe the ladies will like it and watch out - they may be copying.
Above photos show the Masonic Building at 5 Bank Street, Monticello, in June 1998 and about 1920.