to Monticello Hospital |
Your Lodge this summer joined the ranks of other organizations who are furthering the cause of health and science. Thru the combined efforts of your Master, Bro. Charles Finch, and his committee, Bro. Ed Fink, Wor. Bro. Foster Little, and Rt. Wor. Bro. Alvin O. Benton, a blood bank refrigerator was obtained and donated to the Monticello Hospital. The refrigerator, which is designed to keep blood in usable condition for longer than heretofore possible, is for the use of Masons and their families throughout the county. It is now being filled by Masons from this lodge and other Sullivan lodges.
This action by Monticello Lodge is a great step forward in a humanitarian cause and fills a long-felt need. It will insure an immediate supply of blood wherever it is needed among the lodges of the county. The cost - $705.50, which has been underwritten by a note given by members of your lodge until the generosity of members and perhaps an affair or two permits paying the note off. Your contributions toward the cost of this outstanding donation to the Masons of the county will be gratefully received, of course. Send them to the Secretary, Bro. Charles Honon, 199 Broadway, Monticello.
The Monticello Hospital sent the following letter:
Sept. 2, 1960 Mr. Foster Little
10 Ann Street
Monticello, New York
Dear Mr. Little:
This is the first opportunity I have had to officially thank the Monticello Masonic Lodge for their consideration and contribution of a Jewett Blood Bank refrigerator to the Monticello Hospital. I wish to impress upon the Brother Masons in your lodge that the cost of this unit in the amount of $705.50 is very small as compared to the good that it will serve to the community in having available at all times the life giving blood so necessary in an emergency. For the Board of Trustees of the Monticello Hospital as well as for myself personally we wish to convey to your lodge our heartfelt appreciation. With best personal wishes to you and all members of your lodge, I am, Most Sincerely yours,
Monticello Hospital
Robert M. Selbst
Executive DirectorRMS:LH
Related Link
Masonic Medical Research Laboratory, Utica, New York