The Gavel: The Monthly Trestle Board of Monticello Lodge No. 532, F. & A. M., Vol. II, No. 3, April 1942

Two District Deputies for Delaware-Sullivan Area
Proposed for Efficiency

Pointing out that a closer contact with Grand Lodge is necessary particularly during these times a number of Masters and Past-Masters in the Delaware-Sullivan Masonic District are in favor of a proposal which would provide two District Deputy Grand Masters for the Delaware-Sullivan area instead of one.

The proposal has been made with the thought that the sparsely populated but widely spread district might benefit with frequent visits from the Grand Master's representative and receive first-hand important messages which now are conveyed for the most part by mail.

While there are some who argue that the office of District Deputy brings great honor to the appointees and should not be minimized by representing fewer Lodges, most agree that service to the Lodge should be foremost in the minds of Masons and in order to provide this service together with a much needed closer contact with Grand Lodge it is the belief that two instead of one District Deputy Grand Master that represents the Lodges which are now in the Delaware-Sullivan territory.

This could be done either by having a District Deputy to service the six Lodges in Sullivan County and another to represent Grand Lodge in the eleven Lodges in Delaware County or each District Deputy could represent one-half of the lodge population situated in one of two separate districts which would be laid out in such a manner as to necessitate very little traveling.

A number of Masons from Sullivan County attended a homecoming meeting for District Deputy Grand Master Jay R. Hagar at Masonville on Tuesday, April 7th, when the matter of having two District Deputy Grand Masters was discussed.