As all Masons must have read, Grand Lodge is sponsoring a Masonic Brotherhood Center at the coming World's Fair. To finance this project, tickets are being sold for the fair by Grand Lodge which gets a percentage of the purchase price. These tickets must be bought before December 1st for Grand Lodge to get their percentage.
Our Master, W. Bro. Harold Knapp, has appointed W. Bro. Samuel B. Levy as Lodge Chairman for this project. In order to have time to make our quota the Lodge has purchased $1000 worth of tickets outright. Enclosed with this notice is an application blank for tickets. Send it in to Bro. Sam with your check for as many tickets as you will need. Said tickets may be used anytime during the fair, 1964 or 1965. The price is $2.00 and $1.00 for children under 12 is the same as will be charged at the gate. Our quota is 500 tickets. They have been received and are ready for distribution.
Wor. Bro. Levy's address is 270 Broadway, Monticello.
So that you may be familiar with the World's Fair Masonic Center if you are not already well read on it, the following excerpts are taken from recent brochures sent to the Lodge: M.W. Harry Ostrov, Grand Master, has announced the appointment of a World's Fair Masonic Commission, with M. W. Charles W. Froessel, Past Grand Master, as Chairman. and M.W. Brothers Raymond C. Ellis and H. Lloyd Jones as Vice Chairmen.