Thomas Scott Rue.
The Bound Brook Chronicle: Bound Brook, New Jersey, Thursday, October 30, 1958.
Births. Mr and Mrs. Clyde B. Rue of East Lansing Mich announce the birth of a son, Thomas Scott, on Monday, Navy Day, at Muhlenberg Hospital, Plainfield. Mrs. Rue is the former "Peachy" Woldin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Woldin of Church street. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rue of Livonia, Mich. The baby's father is attending Michigan State University in East Lansing, Mich.
The Bound Brook Chronicle: Bound Brook, New Jersey, Thursday, December 11, 1958.
About People. MRS. CLYDE B. RUE and infant son, Thomas, have returned to East Lansing, Mich. after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Woldin of Church street.
The Bound Brook Chronicle: Bound Brook, New Jersey, Thursday, August 21, 1958.Stork shower held last night for Mrs. C.B. Rue
BOUND BROOK - Miss Peggy Apgar of Central avenue and Miss Joyce Hamilton of West Franklin street entertained a surprise stork shower last evening at the former's home for Mrs. Clyude B. Rue.
The gifts were arranged in an old-fashioned baby carriage. The 20 guests included friends of Mrs. Rue in the class of 1954 at Bound Brook High School and her relatives. The hostesses served refreshments during the evning.
Mrs. Rue is the former "Peachy" Woldin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Woldin of Church street. Married to a Navy officer, she is spending the summer with her parents while her husband, who expects to be discharged from the Navy in October, is on sea duty.
The Bound Brook Chronicle: Bound Brook, New Jersey, Thursday, April 10, 1958.
About People. E2c AND MRS. CLYDE RUE have returned to their home in New London, Conn. after spending part of the Easter vacation with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Woldin of Church street.