We, the members of the Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, are gathered into a committed relationship:
TO MAKE POSSIBLE a caring and supportive community in which each individual will feel free to chart his or her own spiritual journey in the search for ultimate meaning in life;
TO CREATE an atmosphere in which each person will be able to share convictions, express doubts, and dxplore new dimensions of truth and reality;
TO PROVIDE a community in which there will be no divisions because of class, ethnic origin, race or sexual orientation;
TO OFFER a place and climate for regular worship, which include such things as fellowship, meditation, learning, and a free and open pulpit;
TO WORK for the vision of a better world by standing for the cause of social justice and human rights, support efforts for world peace, and seek to protect the earth's environment through our respect for the interdependent web of all living things;
TO JOIN with others in the tradition of free and open religion in affiliation with the Unitarian Universalist Association;
TO BEAR WITNESS to our convictions as Unitarian Universalists in this entire region by giving our support to the Upper Delaware fellowship through the dedication of our energies, time and finances, knowing that unless the local group is strong and healthy little else can be accomplished.
-- Adopted June 17, 1990 --
Meeting at Innisfree,
Milanville, Pennsylvania