495 Valmere Ave. Edward Palmer, President
Piscataway, New JerseyDecember 31, 1967
Bernands Township Teacher's Association Inc.
Basking Ridge, New JerseyDear Ed,
I take this time to formally announce to you and the Executive Board my resignation from the Bernands Twp. Schools effective on or before March 1, 1968. I feel that it is necessary to resign from the Executive Board at once considering the possible questions that might arise as to my properly representing the teachers of Bernands Twp.
Let me say loudly and clearly, I leave this community with feelings of admiration and respect for the accomplishments of the local association in the last 4 years.
I am proud of my association with the BTTA and will always look to my experience with it as one of mutual benefit. Many people have put much labor into the building of an effective mechanism to represent meaningfully the views of the teachers in Bernands Twp. I believe this mechanism has proven its worth and will prove its worth over and over again in the future. Teachers must and will be heard. They not only will be heard but action will be taken on the basis of their combined voices. We are at last speaking out -- not to each other in the faculty rooms but speaking out where it counts, to administrators, to the Board of Education and even to the public at large.
Believe me Ed my reasons for leaving are quite simple, first -- I want to teach in a secondary school that uses modular scheduling and secondly I desire that more Justice be done to the financial status of my family.
I say in closing that you, Mr. Palmer, deserve great credit for what you have done to build and maintain a viable productive organization that still has much to do. Respectfully yours,
Clyde B. Rue