Montclair, New Jersey, spring 1970.Educators plan camp
A group of teachers including two from Montclair High School will open the first season of Innisfree, described as "a new camping experience," for an eight-week season starting on June 27.
The camp is open to all young people between the ages of 12 and 18 and is situated in a 25-acre plot on the Delaware River in Damascus, Pas. Application to attend the camp may be made to Clyde B. Rue, Montclair High mathematics teacher, at 746-xxxx, or Clark Maylone, Montclair High English teacher, at 239-xxxx.
Contributions to help operate the camp can be made by contacting Dr. Sanfurd G. Bluestein at 746-xxxx or Peter Malcolm at 746-xxxx.
In addition to Mr. Rue and Mr. Maylone, the camp staff includes Mrs. Rue, mathematics and science teacher; Mrs. Maylone, teacher of dramatics and English, Richard Adell, psychologist; Carrie Adell, silversmithing, ceramics and painting; Gail Brown, journalist and English teacher; Shirla Krause, special educaton teacher.
Educational activities at the camp will include communication, comparative religion, philosophy, conservation, literature, cooking and mathematics. Artistic endeavors will include instrumental music and composition, all art media, needlework, creative writing and drama. Recreational activities include field sports, hiking, swimming, small cracts, camping, and bicycling.
Program advanced
The Summer session at Innisfree in Damascus, Pa., has been divided into two 4-week sessions, June 27 to July 25 and July 25 to August 22, the Montclair staff has announced.
The two session offer was made to allow more teenagers the opportunity to participate in this unstructured Summer experience in the arts, recreation, education and self-government, Director Bud Rue said.
The cost of the four weeks is $325 with scholarship aid available. Every effort is being made so that the cost will not be a deterrent to those students sincerely interested in attending. The entire eight-week program cost is $650.
To enable teenagers to attend with scholarship aid, several scholarship fund-raising activities will take place prior to the camp's opening.
A rummage sale, featuring household items, furniture, record albums and old clothing will be held Thursday, May 28 and Friday, May 29, place to be announced. Donations of sale items may be made by calling 239-xxxx.
"The Red Bred," award-winning acid rock group, will play at a benefit dance Friday, June 5 beginning at 8 P.M. in Life Hall at Monticlair State College. Admission is $1.
On June 6, a picnikc and auction will be held at the campsite for interested persons, prospective campers and their parents. Transportation and a picnic lunch will be provided for $5 per person. Details may be obtained from Peter G. Malcolm at 746-xxx/xxxx.
A meeting of all campers will be held Sunday, June 7 at Watchung Presbyterian Church. Campers will be asked to indicate their primary interests and final details about arrival at camp will be announced.
The Innisfree non-salaried staff include, in addition to Rue and his wife, William Brown and Clarke Maylone, both teachers at Montclair High School and their wives; Richard Adell, school psychologist; his wife, Carrie Adell, noted artist; Mrs. Patricia MacReady, nurse; Mrs. Shirla Krause; and Ted Tiffany. A cook, just hired, will be the only paid staff member.