Pension #25,54_State of Kentucky }
Warren County }
John Billingsley of Warren Co. in the State of Kentucky who was a private in the corps commanded by Captain McGradden of the Regiment commanded by Col. Hampton in the N.C. Militia for 1 yr. -- 1776.
Enlisted on the Roll of Kentucky at the rate of 40 Dollars -- Cents per annum to commence on the 4th day of March 1831.
Certificate of Pension issued the 28 day of January 1834, and ???? to yrs. without [?] payment. Arrears to the 4th day of Sept. 1833 $100--. Permanent allowance ending 4 March 34, $20--. [Total:] $120. Revolutionary Claim,
Act June 7, 1832
Recorded by Wm. Allison, Clerk
Book E, Vol. 3, Page 34
[In right margin] Date of Death not on AB
State of Kentucky Warren County set on this 23d day of December 1833 personally appeared in open court before the magistrates of the Warren County Court now sitting John Billingsley a resident of the state and county aforesaid in age his 80th year who being duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed July 7th 1832.
That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated.
He was drafted for six months in the State of North Carolina Rutherford County the year 1776 in which county he then resided. James McFadden was his captain & Andrew Hampton his Col. His corps ranged through the Soluda Mountains & the Mountains of Green River in N.C. to guard against the Tories & Indians -- he served out a term & was discharged by Col. Hampton at his camp in Rutherford County afo. which discharge he lost. He was agin in a few days after drafted for six months & served under the same officers for six months & served under the same Country as before & was discharged by the same officer, called on in Randolph County in N.C. he was again drafted for six months to the best of his recolection & belief & served until in Capt. John Arnold & Col. Colliens (he believes) he marched towards the same Hills after the Tories, he was discharged by Arnold this time in County of Randolph, which discharge is also lost: He was again just before being drafted in Randolph County N.C. & served under Capt. Britton Fuller & Col. Colles & Genl. Davidson, he mustered out to near Santu this time after the British & Tories who there lay near Santu River, he went out for six months this time towards the end of this time he was sent on an express to lead Francis Lock 9 miles above Salisbury to raise more troops, & Genl. Davidson was killed while he was gone, he was then placed under Genl. Morgon & Capt. Jacob Milban for the mander of this tour at Genl. Smallwoods Camp. He served this Tour out & was discharged by Genl. Morgan & . . . [Note: The top of the page was here folded under when it was microfilmed and a line of script is unreadable] . . . the Christmas after the Battle of Cowpens. In a few days thereafter he joined Capt. Williams & served but a few days but cannot recollect how many. He has no documentary evidence of his service & that he knows of no person by whose testimony he can procure who can testify to his service. He hereby relinquishes every claim to whatever to a pension or annuity except the present & declares that his name is not on the previous Role of the agency of any State.
Sworn & subscribed this day & signed --
John Billingsley
Mr. Merrick Herrington a clergyman residing in the County of Warren & Joshua Brown who lives in this County of Sampson aforgoing Warren & Nathan Hale of Warren County hereby certify that we were acqauinted with John Billingsley who has subscribed & sworn to the above declaration that we believe him to be in his Eightieth year that he is reputed & believed in the neighborhood said to have been a soldier of the Revolution & that we [are of?] that opinion. Sworn and subscribed this day of "
Merrick Herrington
Joshua X Brown
Nathan Hale
And the 50 Court do hereby declare their opinion after the negotiation of the matter and after hearing the interrogations presented by the War Department that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary War Soldier and served as he states. And the Court further Certifies that that [sic] it appears to them that Merrick Herrington who has signed the preceding certification is a clergyman in the County of Warren and states aforesaid that Joshua Brown who lives in Simpson County and Nathan Hale who have also signed the same are resident in the County and state above named and are resident in the County and States above named and are [on?] pensions and that their statement is merited to credit.
W. Payne (JUDGE)
Wm. VonLoving, JPWC
G.G.M. Faching, JPWC
State of Kentucky County Court, December Term 1833 Warren County Sec.
I, Jonathon Hobson, clerk of the Court of Warren County, do hereby certify, that the foregoing contains the original proceedings of said Court in the matter of the application of John Billingsley for a pension.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal of Office, this 24 day of December 1833.
Jonw. Hobson Clk