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    Thursday, Thursday, July 30, 1987.

    CAC mourns loss

    By TOM RUE
    NARROWSBURG -- The charter chairperson of the Upper Delaware Citizens Advisory Council (CAC), Herbert Fabricant, formerly of Callicoon and Washingtonville, was remembered in a brief moment of silence at the start of the group's July 24th meeting.
    Fabricant served on the CAC from its inception in 1978 until his death in a Monroe traffic accident on July 14. The council adopted a "resolution of regret" and signed a sympathy card to be sent to his wife.
    In another matter, CAC member Karen Ridley exchanged information with members of the public concerning floodplain regulations in the river basin. She is continuing her research and will report again at a future meeting.
    In a discussion of public use of the strand -- the area between the high and low water marks along the riverbank -- acting chair Lame Elmore cited court decisions researched by. Tim Weston, formerly of the Pennsylvania DER, and Brian McMann of the New York DEC.
    Recreationists are permitted to stop along side the river for "navigational purposes" such as to portage around a dangerous set of rapids, Elmore said. Such purposes could also include: stopping for lunch, swimming, traveling along the strand, and even fishing and hunting.
    Riparian landowners have expressed concern over potential liability problems from river users who stop on their land, as well as damage and littering. Elmore emphasized that there have been few court cases on the matter. and many legal questions have yet to be resolved.
    During the public comment period, Noel van Swol of Long Eddy threatened that CAC members may be personally sued after the River Management Plan goes into effect He claimed that liens could be placed on their personal assets until a lawsuit was resolved, unless they act now to disavow the plan.

    Related external links

  • Upper Delaware Scenic & Recreational River
  • Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
  • New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

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