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    Thursday, February 13, 1986, p. 6.
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    Open bridge in summer

    FOSTERDALE -- A copy of a petition signed by 150 users of the Skinners Falls Bridge was presented at Tuesday night's work session of the Conference of Upper Delaware Townships (COUP) by Ed Wesely of Milanville.
    The signatures, which were collected by Rocco and Maryann Degori, owners of the Milanville General Store, petition the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) "that repair work that will dose the bridge to pedestrian and automobile traffic be scheduled for the spring or fall." Wesely noted that names are still being collected at the Milanville store.
    Wesely also distributed copies of a recent editorial which appeared in The River Reporter concerning the bridge work, and urged "It would be a very good precedent if organizations like PennDOT knew that you [COUP] are willing to go to bat for local residents and the river community."
    Tusten Supervisor Rick Lander responded with support, "I agree with your recommendation as far as pushing the bridge [repair] up, so we can get something from the summer." Lander is part owner of Bob & Rick Lander's Canoe Rental, which operates a large base at Skinners Falls.
    George Frosch, chairperson of COUP's bridge committee, agreed to draft a letter opposing the summer bridge closing, to be forwarded to PennDOT.
    Frosch said he would suggest that PennDOT repair half of the bridge's decking at a lime, with a moratorium on repairs which require a closing during the' months of July and August.
    According to Foster Sankey, PennDOT's district bridge engineer, the contract (which will be awarded on March 13th) must be completed within 152 calendar days, or five months.

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