Sit Lux Et Lux Fuit

We, the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, of the State of New York, in Ample Form afsembled, according to the Old Constitutions, regularly and solemnly established under the Auspices of PRINCE EDWIN, at the City of York, in Great Britain in the year of Masonry 4926, viz.
THE MOST WORSHIPFUL Clinton F. Paige, Grand Master.
THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL J.B.G. Sommers, Deputy Grand Master.
THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL Stephen C. Johnson, Senior Grand Warden.
THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL James Gibson, Junior Grand Warden.
DO, by these presents appoint, authorize, and empower our worthy Brother David G. Starr to be the Master; our worthy Brother James Matthews to be the Senior Warden; and our worthy Brother Eli S. Pelton to be the Junior Warden of a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, to be by virtue hereof constituted, formed, and held in Monticello, Sullivan County - which Lodge shall be distinguished by the Name or Style of Monticello Lodge Number 532 and the said Master and Wardens, and their succefsors in office are hereby respectively authorized and directed by and with the Consent and Afsistance of a Majority of the aforesaid Lodge, duly to be Summoned and present upon such Occasions, to Elect and Install the Officers of the said Lodge, as Vacancies happen; in such manner and form as is, or may be, prescribed by the Constitution of this Grand Lodge.
And further, the said Lodge is hereby invested with full Power and Authority to afsemble upon proper and lawful Occasion to MAKE MASONS, and to ADMIT MASONS, as also to do and perform all and every such Acts and Things appertaining to the CRAFT as have been, and ought to be done: for the Honor and Advantage thereof, conforming in all their Proceedings to the Constitution of this Grand Lodge, otherwise this WARRANT and the powers already granted to cease and be of no further effect.
GIVEN under our Hands and the Seal of our Grand Lodge, at the City of New York in the United States of America, this eleventh day of June in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-Three and in the Year of Masonry Five Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-Three.
James M. Austin, Grand Secretary

Registered in the Book
At the Grand Lodge - Page 151