Pension #7048

State of Ohio }
Warren County }

On this thirteenth day of November eighteen hundred & eighteen, before me the subscribed, one of the Apellate Judges of the Court of common Pleas in & for Warren County aforesaid, personally appeared Benjamin Rue aged sixty seven years on the twenty second day of January next, resident in the said county of Warren, State of Ohio aforesaid who being by me first duly sword according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to affirm the pension made by the late act of congress entitled "An act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land & naval service of the United States in the revolutionary war:" That he the said Benjamin Rue enlisted in the continental army of the United States in the State of Pennsylvania in the company commanded by Capt. Willet and was attached to the first Regiment of Pennsylvania commanded by Col. John P. Dehors that immediately after his enlistment he was appointed orderly sergeant and marched under the said Col. Dehors into Canada. He enlisted either in the month of July or August in the year seventeen hundred & seventy five. In the month of November following he was assigned Ensign in the above Regiment in the month of April seventeen hundred & seventy six & not to exceed the 15th day of that month he was appointed to the command of a schooner into River St. Lawrence a public armed vessel and with the Rank of Captain that he continued in the aforesaid vessel in that capacity untill the army evacuated Canada immediately after which he joined the army at Ticonderoga & was immediately placed in command of a gondola in the fleet onLake Champlain & still retained the Rank of Captain as aforesaid & was in the Battle on Lake Champlain under the command of Genl. Arnold in which his vessel was sunk on the Eleventh day of October in the year Seventeen hundred Seventy Six & on the 27th day of the same month, he obtained permission to return home which appears from the certificate of Genl. Gates herewith enclosed & to which he refers. The said Benjamin Rue further states that in the month of November following in the City of Philadelphia he in conjunction with Capt. Wingate Newman raised a company of artilery & was engaged in the Battles of Trenton & Princeton with his company on the 2nd & 3d of January 1777. The company was discharged after the above Battles & he returned to Philadelphia which was in the last of the same month, making more than nine months that he held the Rank of Captain in the service of the United States on the continental establishments. About the first of April following, he was appointed by the board of war to the command of a public armed vessel in the River Delaware in which command he continued until near the close of the war. & the said Benjamin Rue further states that on his return from Canada he lost his first commission and that his second appointment on the River Delaware from the Board of War has by some means been mislaid or lost. He states that there was a person appointed by Government in the City of Philadelphia for the purpose of setting forth the army as they returned from Canada & that he settled with him the said Benjamin Rue & allowed him his full pay in the Rank of Captain from the first of April 1775 until he received his commission on the Delaware fleet, making upwards of eleven months. -- & he also states that he is now in reduced circumstances and stands in need of the assistance of his country for support and that he has no other evidence now in his power of his said services.

Sworn to & declared before me the day & year aforesaid. Benjamin Rue.
Jacob D. Lowe, D.J.

I, Jacob D. Lowe, Judge as aforesaid, do certify that it appears to my satisfaction that the said Benjamin Rue did serve in the Revolutionary War as (in the Rank of Captain) as stated in the preceding declaration against this court.