The Wayne Independent, Honesdale, Pennsylvania - Tuesday, June 2, 1970, p. 1.

Hillside Acres
Sold to N.J.
Camp Group

Hillside Acres, formerly a summer resort in Milanville, has been purchased by Innisfree Corporation for use as a summer educational camp for teenagers.
The non-profit Montclair, N.J. Corporation and the program in the arts, education and recreation was conceived by a group of 11 teachers and other professionals.
With the aim of providing meaningful educational experiences outside of the traditional school walls, the group chose the Milanville site, formerly owned by Vivian and Oscar Ropke of Callicoon, N.Y., for its ideal facilities and location.
Approximately 40 students will be participating in each of the two four-week sessions, beginning June 27 and July 25. The staff, under the direction of Bud Rue, Montclair, includes two mathematic teachers, an English and drama coach, musicians, school psychologist, a noted New Jersey artist, journalist, nurse and other professionals.
The camp, named Innisfree after W. B. Yeats' poem, "The Lake Isle of Innisfree," was founded with the intent of offering teenagers the opportunity to experience self-direction.
"We are concerned with developing in young people and ourselves the skill to understand ourselves and to extend ourselves in a real spirit of community to others, "the camp brochure reads.
"The lack of an imposed schedule offers the participants free time to pursue the activities which most interest them and to assume responsibility for their time," Director Rue said. "However, a one to five staff-camper ratio allows for close attention to all participants," he adds.
An auction sale will be held at the Milanville site on Saturday, June 6, beginning at 2 p.m. Furniture, linens, glassware and.other items not needed for the camp will be sold. A picnic lunch is available prior to the sale.